July 16, 9:00 AM
The Single Brood Box Workshop
CBA Boulder Knoll Bee Yard
875 Boulder Rd, Cheshire, CT 06410
Conventional beekeeping in New England teaches that hives need to have two brood chambers, but mathematically, it is not true. This workshop will discuss advantages of the single brood chamber. The single brood box management of honey bees bases its entire function in one box for the queen and then supering for honey, for mite control, swarm management, and honey production.

Led by Bill Hesbach
Bill is an Eastern Apicultural Society Certified Master Beekeeper, graduate of the University of Montana's master beekeeping program, and president of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association. He teaches bee biology and various beekeeping methods, and appears as a guest speaker at local and regional beekeeping seminars. Bill has been published in Bee Culture, Bee Craft, and The American Bee Journal, and was presented the Distinguished Speaker Award at the 2019 EAS conference. Special interests include bee biology and flight, and the connection between local flora and bee behavior.
Clothing Requirements & Personal Protective Equipment
IMPORTANT: All participants at CBA bee yard activities or any other CBA-sponsored event involving live bees must be properly dressed and wear personal protective equipment designed specifically for beekeeping. Personal protection equipment and proper dress includes, but is not limited to, complete coverage of bare skin with light-colored clothing - nothing black. All participants must wear a proper bee veil or bee suit and closed-toed shoes at all times. Bees sting and inject venom, so if you are concerned about your reaction, please consult a physician before attending.
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