Here it is, November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving, and the bees in my yard are out and flying. November has been a warm introduction to the start of winter, and hopefully, this pattern will continue. Unfortunately, no one knows what December and the following months will bring. Either way, November is an excellent time to evaluate your equipment, make repairs or secure replacements, and also a good time to start thinking about your beekeeping goals for next year. One goal to always keep in mind is sharpening your observational skills. You can watch lots of videos for help but stay with reliable sources like those offered by the Bee Informed Partnership or Paul Kelly at the University of Guelph. They're fun to watch on long winter nights.
BIP - https://beeinformed.org
Also, to get the most from your beekeeping experience attend the CBA Bee School coming in January 2021. Check out the offering decide now because registration opens in early December and the classes sell out quickly. Hope to see you there!
For now, we hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and we look forward to a less physically distanced year next year, assuming the promise of recent vaccines holds.
Be well and take care- we are almost there.