April 23rd, 9:00 AM
Spring Inspection and Management Workshop
Massaro Community Farm
With the winter weather behind us it is time to make a plan for inspecting the beehive. Observational beekeeping is our method. Mild temperatures get the honey bees moving and therefore the beekeeper approaches the hive with a checklist. The workshop will cover questions like: are the bees alive, do you see or hear the cluster, do they have food, do they need a quick fix to carry the bees, what do the frames look like, did you see the queen, or evidence that the queen is laying? Is there a plan to clean off the bottom board?
Part of the management of honey bees is having hives in good working condition (clean, painted, no decaying hive boxes, good looking frames, etc). Now is the time to take corrective action.
Led by Bill Hesbach
Bill is an Eastern Apicultural Society Certified Master Beekeeper, graduate of the University of Montana's master beekeeping program, and president of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association. He teaches bee biology and various beekeeping methods, and appears as a guest speaker at local and regional beekeeping seminars. Bill has been published in Bee Culture, Bee Craft, and The American Bee Journal, and was presented the Distinguished Speaker Award at the 2019 EAS conference. Special interests include bee biology and flight, and the connection between local flora and bee behavior.
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