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Keep an eye out for Spotted Lanternfly

The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station has received reports of the presence of Spotted Lanternfly, particularly in lower Fairfield County. Bill was interviewed by local FOX61 regarding the influx - Watch the interview here >>

spotted lanternfly
Spotted Lanternfly

What is Spotted Lanternfly?

The Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive species originating from Asia, has become a significant concern in Connecticut. It poses a threat to vineyards, crops, and particularly honey production, impacting both farmers and consumers. The bug's unique method of spreading, attaching itself and its egg mass to various surfaces, has facilitated its rapid expansion across 17 states, including Connecticut.

How does the Spotted Lanternfly affect honey production?

The excretion of honeydew by the Lanternfly creates a slippery mess that attracts bees and alters the taste of honey, posing a significant problem for beekeepers. Despite efforts to control the spread, experts predict a further increase in Lanternfly populations in Connecticut.

“It’s detrimental to the taste of the honey, it gives it a malty flavor almost like malt liquor. The flavor doesn’t have the typical floral notes that we go after, it’s bitter” - Bill

What can we do about them?

Public involvement in reporting and killing this bug is encouraged to mitigate their impact. Everyone who sees Spotted Lanternfly should destroy them immediately, and report the sighting to the state, through its online reporting portal.


Griffin, B. (2024, May 7). Spotted Lanternfly could impact honey production in Connecticut. Retrieved May 10, from []

Connecticut Beekeepers Association promotes and supports all beekeepers and their local organizations. Our goal is to provide a common forum for the beekeepers of Connecticut to come together to share information and ideas.

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