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Browse Beekeeping Resources

Browse our resource links and articles about common beekeeping methods and important issues facing Connecticut Beekeepers...

Installing a Package of Bees - Watch the Process

Installing a Package of Bees with Bill Hesbach

In this short video, Bill installs a package of bees at the Boulder Knoll Bee Yard. Watch to view a quick demonstration, and join us at the bee yard for more in-depth beekeeping walk-throughs.

CBA offers FREE beekeeping workshops from March through October

These workshops focus on best management practices for keeping healthy and productive colonies throughout the seasons. We offer learning experiences for Langstroth and top bar hive beekeepers. Held at the Boulder Knoll Bee Yard - 875 Boulder Rd., Cheshire, CT


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Check out our YouTube channel for more beekeeping content.

Connecticut Beekeepers Association promotes and supports all beekeepers and their local organizations. Our goal is to provide a common forum for the beekeepers of Connecticut to come together to share information and ideas.

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