The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has issued guidance on the legality of different available pesticides that Connecticut beekeepers can use to combat hive pests.
Their list (included below) is a valuable tool to guide beekeepers when deciding on a management strategy. Please note that three DEEP listed products are not recommended by CBA and should not be used in any colony. They are: Apistan Varroa Control Strips, Checkmite +, and Zeocon Apistan Mite Strips. Their toxicity and environmental consequences are well known and should be avoided.
DEEP Guidance on Pesticides & Honeybees
The label is the law.Ā The application method, rate, timing, if you can apply the product when honey supers are on a hive are all dictated by the product label.
a. CGS Sec. 22a-61(b)(7):Ā Use of a pesticide in a manner inconsistent with labeling. Civil penalties of up to $2,500.00 per day for each day of violation may be assessed under section 22a-63(e) of the Connecticut General Statutes and regulations adopted thereunder.
Use of products not labeled as a pesticide as such is illegal.
a. CGS Sec. 22a-61(a)(1):Ā Use, distribution, or sale of an unregistered pesticide. Civil penalties of up to $2,500.00 per day for each day of violation may be assessed under section 22a-63(e) of the Connecticut General Statutes and regulations adopted thereunder.
Products registered for use in beehives in Connecticut:
Name | EPA Reg. | Pest |
AmiFlex (*RUP) | 87243-4 | Mites |
Api-Bioxal | 73291-2 | Varroa Mite |
Apivar | 87243-1 | Varroa Mite |
B402 Biological Larvicide Certan | 94413-1 | Wax Moth |
EZ-OX Oxalic Acid | 101743-2 | Varroa Mite |
Hopguard 3 | 83623-2 | Varroa Mite |
VarroxSan | 94413-3 | Varroa Mite |
Api Life Var | 73291-1 | Varroa Mite |
Apiguard | 79671-1 | Varroa Mite |
Apistan Varroa Control Strips | 2724-406-79671 | Varroa Mite |
Checkmite + | 11556-138 | Beetles, Varroa Mite |
Formic Pro | 75710-3 | Varroa Mite |
Mite Away Quick Strips | 75710-2 | Varroa Mite |
Zeocon Apistan Mite Strip | 2724-406 | Varroa Mite |
Mite-A-Thol | 61671-1 | Tracheal Mite |
*RUP: Restricted use pesticide, requires a certification to buy and use. Note: Products are constantly changing, please check elicense link below to look if a product is currently registered.
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