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In this episode of Bee Talks:
00:00:00 Welcome & Bloom calendar overview
00:04:01 Do I have mold in my colony?
00:06:48 What is a nuc (nucleus colony) and what issues should I expect when starting with one?
00:09:29 Can I use equipment that has been stored since last year? Should I be worried about the current bee die-offs happening in commercial beekeeping?
00:12:00 I donāt see evidence of drone cells in my hives yet. How long should I wait before I can do splits?
00:15:01 Is it a good time to feed supplemental pollen?
00:18:28 When should I replace my brood frames?
00:23:16 What do I use to catch a swarm?
00:24:43 If my hive goes queenless into winter, will it die out?
00:25:46 Which small hive beetle traps should I use?
00:31:02 Can I use the honey & bee bread from my dead hives for a new package of bees?
00:33:46 Do bees always create queen cells before they swarm?
00:36:40 Should I take my insulation covers off yet?
00:37:44 Can you discuss your Sticky Board Mite Population article in American Bee Journal?
00:39:41 What is the best way to preserve comb?
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Each session includes an open question & answer period followed by a seasonally-appropriate topic discussion to help guide you through the beekeeping year. Open to every beekeeper regardless of experience or the type of equipment you use, these sessions will support your beekeeping practice and help you get the critical information you need to be successful.
Bee Talks are led by Bill Hesbach, Eastern Apicultural Society Certified Master Beekeeper and graduate of the University of Montana's Master Beekeeping Program. He teaches bee biology and beekeeping methods at events hosted by regional organizations, and appears as a guest speaker at national seminars. Bill is on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Apicultural Society, and is President of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association. His articles appear in Bee Culture, Bee Craft, and The American Bee Journal.
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