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Bee Talks Recap | April 2024

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In this episode of Bee Talks:

00:00:00 Welcome and announcements

00:02:10 Watch transparent hive creation & follow along (more discussion at 01:04:11 and 01:08:05)

00:07:20 Early season package installation cautions & reminders

00:10:18 Do bees like to feed on forsythia?

00:12:16 How do you grind pollen - what are the sizes etc.?

00:13:48 iNaturalist - how to use it and what CBA is doing to collaborate

00:21:01 View graph showing weight and temperature inside a colony (additional graph of another hive at 1:04:51)

00:27:14 What should I spray new bee packages with? Walkthrough of oxylic acid label and instructions.

00:32:48 Is a dribble as effective as a vaporization?

00:34:28 Should I be feeding in March? How will I know if my bees need food right now?

00:37:33 My bees havenā€™t eaten their sugar cakes - can I reuse them?

00:39:03 Will the solar eclipse affect on my beesā€™ behavior?

00:41:38 What is checkerboard mite check? What do the blocks mean on a sticky board?

00:42:21 Can feeders be left on during vaporization treatment?

00:43:42 Which electric fencing do you recommend for bee yards? Will it hurt my dogs? (more at 01:03:13)

00:48:05 Broodminder gave sensors to beekeepers in the eclipse trail to monitor activity

00:52:46 Is there a certain time of day that is better for vaporization treatment?

00:54:52 Is anyone using Slovenian hives in CT? Can I convert from Langstroth?

01:00:20 Will bees get shocked by an electric fence?

01:00:30 Do we need to worry about bees creating toxic honey if there is mountain laurel in our area?

01:03:13 Should I put bacon on my bear fence? No. No you should not.

01:04:11 Howā€™s the transparent hive doing?

01:04:51 View additional graph showing temperature and sensor data in a different hive

01:08:05 Excitement about transparent hive experiment


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Each session includes an open question & answer period followed by a seasonally-appropriate topic discussion to help guide you through the beekeeping year. Open to every beekeeper regardless of experience or the type of equipment you use, these sessions will support your beekeeping practice and help you get the critical information you need to be successful.

Bee Talks are led by Bill Hesbach, Eastern Apicultural Society Certified Master Beekeeper and graduate of the University of Montana's Master Beekeeping Program. He teaches bee biology and beekeeping methods at events hosted by regional organizations, and appears as a guest speaker at national seminars. Bill is on the Board of Directors for the Eastern Apicultural Society, and is President of the Connecticut Beekeepers Association. His articles appear in Bee Culture, Bee Craft, and The American Bee Journal.


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Proceeds go toward furthering backyard beekeeping education.

Connecticut Beekeepers Association promotes and supports all beekeepers and their local organizations. Our goal is to provide a common forum for the beekeepers of Connecticut to come together to share information and ideas.

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