April 27, 2023 6:30 PM
A Healing for Mankind: Honey
with Dr. Ferhat Ozturk
As biochemistry and pharmaceutical researchers developed and introduced new drugs into modern medicine throughout 20th century, scientific opinions on honey's nutritive and medical uses have differed and clashed with folklore. However, recent controversies within the scientific community have re-kindled interest in the therapeutic uses of honey in modern medicine. Recently, scientific support has emerged in a proliferation of publications on the successful therapeutic use of honey in several general medical and surgical conditions. Thus, honey has been described as, “A remedy rediscovered”.
Researchers continue to study the potential uses and benefits of honey. Several clinical and animal studies suggest the use of honey in the control and treatment of wounds, diabetes, cancer, and asthma, as well as cardiovascular, neurological, and gastrointestinal diseases.
In this presentation, Dr. Ozturk gives a brief outline about the use of honey as a therapeutic agent for centuries, as well as provides evidence-based information about the bioactivity potential of different honeys and use of honey for wound healing in clinical settings.

Speaker Details:
Ferhat Ozturk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Integrative Biology
Dr. Ferhat Ozturk is an assistant professor of practice at the University of Texas San Antonio and specializes in medicinal use of honey with a strong Ph.D. background in gene therapy, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics, and biochemistry research. He has taken this knowledge and applied it to the unique biological and chemical makeup of different mono-floral honey from around the world allowing him to unlock the hidden knowledge of age-old wisdom regarding the healing benefits of honey. His current research is helping to identify U.S. based honey sources that contain high bioactivity levels and medicinal properties that can not only compete with but outperform those of current medical grade honeys.
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