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Browse Beekeeping Resources
Browse our resource links and articles about common beekeeping methods and important issues facing Connecticut Beekeepers...

Mentors, CBA Needs Your Help
Happy New Year everyone. Every year, our January Bee School results in many people requesting a mentor, and it’s already begun. We are a...

Skunk Cabbage Before it's Time
What a New Year's treat to see this little precocious Skunk Cabbage making its way up through the leaf litter during a walk on the...

Volunteer Secretary Needed
CBA needs a secretary CBA needs a volunteer secretary that can record the minutes of our monthly board meetings. The meetings are held on...

The Bombus Among Us - Bumble Bee Basics with Heather Holm
Register to attend - Heather illustrates the bumble bee life cycle through the growing season; the importance of selecting the right...

Bee School 2022
Whether you’re a new beekeeper or already know your way around a hive, this 4-day online series delivers beneficial information...

Reading the Health of Your Colony with Dr. Dewey Caron
Dr. Dewey Caron discusses how to read frames and hives with emphasis on how to do a necropsy on dead hives.

Vacant Land as Bee Habitats with Mary Gardiner
Mary examines how the design, management, contamination legacy, and landcape context of urban greenspaces influence their conservation...

Winter Preparation Workshop with Ted Jones
Visit the bee yard with Ted Jones of Jones Apiaries and go thru what to do and not to do as you prepare your bees for the coming winter.

Henri Is On Its Way - Tropical Storm Preparation
CBA suggests you prepare for the worst-case, meaning protect your colonies by either strapping them down to their stand or putting...

Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive with Mark Winston
Mark talks about his experiences over 40 years of walking into apiaries, and the lessons learned from a life spent among bees...

Bloom Calendar Template
Use this handy template to track blooms in your area. Prepare for peak foraging periods, optimize hive placement, and manage colony health..

Four Ways to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor with Linda Tillman
Linda Tillman teaches how to harvest honey without using an extractor.

Principles of Good Beekeeping and the Thermodynamics of the Hive with Etienne Tardif
CBA welcomes special guest Etienne Tardiff for "Principles of Good Beekeeping and the Thermodynamics of the Hive"

Starting Fall Preparation Workshop at Massaro Farms
Our Starting Fall Preparation Workshop will be held live at Massaro Farms - join us in person or online via Zoom.

American Linden
American Linden ( Tila americana ) aka, basswood or "the bee-tree" is in full bloom. The regularity of this celebrated bloom is uncertain...

How to Register for Events
You must register in order to attend all CBA events. Take these steps to ensure our registration process works for you...

Meet the Queen Breeder: Byron Martin
Byron Martin is experimenting with Varroa Sensitive Hygenic Queens, and shares his experiences & insights...

Inspection and Supering Workshop at Massaro Farms
Develop basic beekeeping skills using hive openings and conducting evaluations on health and strength. Management techniques...

Gardening for Honey Bees
Among the many things that beekeepers are concerned with, of primary importance is the available foraging opportunities their honey bees...

Nucleus Hives and Summer Management Workshop at Massaro Farms
Develop basic beekeeping skills by using hive openings and conducting evaluations on health and strength. Management techniques...

Meet the Queen Breeder: Mark Czerczak
Mark explains the process of raising local queens and his specialty of instrumental insemination. Mark is well known across the country...

Spring Inspection Workshop with Ted Jones
Saturday, April 24th, 9 AM Spring Inspection Workshop with Ted Jones Sessions help develop basic beekeeping skills and include several...

Dandelion Time and Swarms
Dandelions are so named because their leaves conjure up the image of a lion's tooth. That may be so, but for beekeepers, they are as...

The Bee Informed Partnership Survey is Seeking Partipants
The BIP survey is the longest national effort to monitor honey bee mortality rates in the U.S. - learn how to participate here.
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