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Browse Beekeeping Resources
Browse our resource links and articles about common beekeeping methods and important issues facing Connecticut Beekeepers...

Beekeeping in Kenya with Maryann Frazier
CBA welcomes Maryann Frazier, speaking about beekeeping in Kenya and the outreach program she and other US beekeepers have established...

Honey Bee Chemical Communication & Hygienic Behavior with Dr. Kaira Wagoner
Register to atttend - Dr. Wagoner speaks about her work using chemical signals to develop a tool for measuring colony Varroa resistance...

Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation with Doug Tallamy
Register to attend - Doug discusses steps we must take to reverse declining biodiversity, and why we must change our relationship...

USDA Programs for Pollinators with Izzy Hill
Register to attend - Izzy Hill of the USDA will discuss current pollinator priorities, research projects, and resources for beekeepers...

The Bombus Among Us - Bumble Bee Basics with Heather Holm
Register to attend - Heather illustrates the bumble bee life cycle through the growing season; the importance of selecting the right...

Reading the Health of Your Colony with Dr. Dewey Caron
Dr. Dewey Caron discusses how to read frames and hives with emphasis on how to do a necropsy on dead hives.

Vacant Land as Bee Habitats with Mary Gardiner
Mary examines how the design, management, contamination legacy, and landcape context of urban greenspaces influence their conservation...

Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive with Mark Winston
Mark talks about his experiences over 40 years of walking into apiaries, and the lessons learned from a life spent among bees...

Four Ways to Harvest Honey Without an Extractor with Linda Tillman
Linda Tillman teaches how to harvest honey without using an extractor.

Principles of Good Beekeeping and the Thermodynamics of the Hive with Etienne Tardif
CBA welcomes special guest Etienne Tardiff for "Principles of Good Beekeeping and the Thermodynamics of the Hive"
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