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Browse Beekeeping Resources
Browse our resource links and articles about common beekeeping methods and important issues facing Connecticut Beekeepers...

September Rains and Goldenrod
This summer was the hottest in our 105-year weather-keeping history, making it difficult to squeeze in heat-sensitive treatments for varroa.

Skunk Cabbage
There's something about the arrival of the skunk cabbage bloom that amazes me year after year...

Skunk Cabbage Before it's Time
What a New Year's treat to see this little precocious Skunk Cabbage making its way up through the leaf litter during a walk on the...

American Linden
American Linden ( Tila americana ) aka, basswood or "the bee-tree" is in full bloom. The regularity of this celebrated bloom is uncertain...

Dandelion Time and Swarms
Dandelions are so named because their leaves conjure up the image of a lion's tooth. That may be so, but for beekeepers, they are as...

Alder Bush + Hive Registration Drive
Alder Bush Alder bush and other species bloom throughout the spring. The link provided will give you a comprehensive list of what blooms...

Spring's First Green is Gold - Silver Maples
No matter what events the past winter held, spring offers renewal, and keeping bees provides a unique understanding of...

Sleeping On The Job - August Blooms
During the onset of the dearth, chicory provides honey bees with much-needed pollen and maybe some nectar. Chicory is not likely to provide

Who's Queen Anne Anyway?
Known as "Queen Anne's Lace" one myth has it that Queen Anne of England (1664-1714), who was an accomplished seamstress,

Bringin' on the Heat
My weather station says 95℉ with a dew point of 74. That's pushing the heat index to near 100℉...

Floral Blooms- Late June Sustainers
Blooms - Late June Sustainers

Native Volunteer
Alternate Leaf Dogwood also known as Pagoda Dogwood is a native plant. This one showed up in my yard a few years back and is now ten feet...

Pollinator Resources
Links to valuable information & resources on pollinators in Connecticut.
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